Friday, December 12, 2008

Surprises and Freedom

I had the most wonderful surprise Thursday night, it was a little after 10pm when the phone rang. I was engrossed in ER as it the final season. I wasn't expecting anyone to call unless it would be Meagan wanting 0money. I rolled off the sofa and got to the phone. Looked at the caller id and it was Libby, my most wonderful friend. She had moved to Lousiana almost 2 years ago and I miss her terribly. She is a fellow dog lover and one of daughters is the same age as Meagan(18). Libby and I have decided we are twins separated at birth. Gosh, it was so good to hear her voice. She told me of the snow they got at home with that freaky snowstorm across the south but didn't reach us in Florida. Libby is in Alabama, visiting another daughter and family. Steve, her DH, took pictures of their neighborhood and she sent them to me. I thought it was beautiful. Her pug, George, wanted nothing to do with it and Gracie, the carolina dog, loved it. Wish it would snow in Florida again. That was neat when it happened so many years ago, twice I can remember. A white Christmas wouldn't that be wonderful, just once!!!

On the other hand, as some of you may know I have been unemployed since July(just one of the 19 million in the US), then my car bit the dust in September. I have had to rely on daughter to haul me around when I needed to go somewhere. I had no extra money to fix my car, thought it was just the alternator. Finally called the mechanic several weeks ago to tell him of my dilemma. Had the car towed to his shop, he called me in a few hours to tell me the news. Not only was the alternator gone, I had a small leak in the radiator and a valve seal leaking, needed 2 belts. My brother came to my rescue and helped me out. Now I have my little speed racer back. Now I can drive myself wherever I need to go in peace and quiet and take my dogs for a ride if I so chose, especially Elvis, he absolutely loves to go in the car. Fuji, the pug, is a wild woman jumping all over the place, Sassy is terrified to be off my bed and the others can take it or leave it.

I have taken a break in my cleaning for the past several days. That is where I am headed now. The dining table hasn't been seen in some time. We don't eat in there anyway but I am going to get to the bottom of it. That means more hidden treasure, money would be nice!!! TATA for now!!


Paula said...


I so hate it when my van breaks down and is out of commission till the husband gets to work on it and gets it fixed. It always seems I have more places to go when I have no working vehicle.

Those surprise money finds are cleaning rampages are like hidden

Thanks for stopping by. Will add you to my links here in a bit when I am done blogging and be back for more visits.

Pug Hugs, Paula

Libby's Library said...

Becky - I'm so glad that you have your "car back". I really am. I have been so worried about you.
You are a dear friend and I love you and miss you!
Keep cleaning, and digging for treasure!

Libby's Library said...

You should have told me that you were watching ER!!! I would have called you back when it was over.