Perhaps all y'all who are not from the South might get some understandin' from this little lesson!
Southern women know their summer weather report: Humidity...Humidity...Humidity
Southern women know their vacation spots: The beach...The rivuh...The crick
Southern women know everybody's first name:Honey...Darlin'...Shugah
Southern women know the movies that speak to their hearts:Fried Green Tomatoes...Driving Miss Daisy...Steel Magnolias...Gone With The Wind
Southern women know their cities dripping with Southern charm: Chawl'stn... S'vanah...N'awlins...Addlanna
Southern women know their elegant gentlemen: Men in uniform...Men in tuxedos...Rhett Butler
Southern girls know the 3 deadly sins: Having bad hair and nails...Having bad manners...Cooking bad food
Only a Southerner knows how many fish, collard greens, turnip greens, peas, beans, etc., make up "a mess."
Only a Southerner knows instinctively that the best gesture of solace for a neighbor who's got trouble is a plate of hot fried chicken and a big bowl of cold potato salad.
If the neighbor's trouble is a real crisis, they also know to add a large banana puddin!
A Southerner knows that "fixin" can be used as a noun, a verb, or an adverb.
Put 100 Southerners in a room and half of them will discover they're related, even if only by marriage.
In the South, y'all is singular, all y'all is plural.
Southern girls know men may come and go, but friends are fahevah !
We're here!!!!
9 years ago